Thursday, March 22, 2007

Environmently Friendly way to get Al-Quaida

Was thinking the other day about the collosial waste of money on this bloody war against Bin-Laden and his merry talibans. It is a lot of money in there...They use missiles, over a million dollars each. Over a thousand have been fired. Moving personals, high tech defence systems…goodness, my calculator is going up in smoke. I have a simple solution here.

It does not take too much intelligence to figure out that Bin-L and his merry men hate pigs. Yes, Pigs! As in Swine and Oink! Nothing against my Muslim brothers. Still, we all know that Muslims hate pigs and their religion prohibits them even getting too close to them. The reasons are many, Which we all respect. Here is my solution:

Why not air lift a million pigs and air drop them in the hills of Afghanistan. The Tora Bora mountains can be the starting place. The pig will multiply and use the caves for shelter. And we know what happens then. Bin and his men will all be out in a jiffy! Just fill the place with pigs. Maybe, five million pigs. It is not hard to find so many pigs. If each one of us, skip pork for a week in Europe and the US, I am sure we will save 5 millions pigs. Bin and his men will not even shoot them. Dead pigs are said to be worse than the live types, I am told.
In any case if the bugger tries to shoot five million pigs, they will run short of ammunition. George, please give this some thought. Now that Sadham is gone, you have another goal now. Go get them pigs!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mate! you should have been the US Sec of defence...any better idea as to how we can solve iraq?

11:53 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Quite interesting. Many years ago my brother Jiff and I were thinking on the same lines!!!

11:41 PM  

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